NEWBERRY — Newberry College Baseball is hosting its 2024 High School Prospect Camp on Sunday, September 8. The camp will be located at the Smith Road Complex (1900 Smith Rd. Newberry, SC 29108) and will be from 12pm-5pm. The camp costs $125.
The Newberry Baseball Prospect camp is designed to provide H.S players with the opportunity to be evaluated and instructed by college coaches. It also allows players a firsthand look at instruction methods, and philosophies used in our program on a daily basis. All coaches will utilize this opportunity to interact with prospects on a personal level while ultimately searching to find players that will be the right fit at Newberry College.
Pitching instruction will include all skills of: Band Work, Med Ball Work, Drill Work, Throwing Program, Picks, PFPs, Mechanics, & Live Bullpens. It will be an in-depth look at the daily instruction given to the pitchers in our program. Live bullpens are a great opportunity for catchers to be evaluated on defensive skill set. Defensive instruction for all position players will consist of individual defensive drills at all positions, throwing program from positions, agility work and speed training.
*All aspects of hitting instruction regarding; load, timing, swing, along with several drill work stations and live BP on
For more information, please visit the Newberry College Athletics website.