Summer officially starts June 21, this means fun in the parks, lakes and the great outdoors.
We are fortunate to have so many wonderful locations to visit in Newberry County. Have you been to Lynches Wood, Parr Shoals Reservoir, Saluda River access, and of course Dreher Island at Lake Murray?
Dipping your toes in the water has been one of my favorite summertime activities. Just imagine, taking a picnic basket of goodies and sitting in the park, reading a great book, not thinking about any life stressors. Ahhh, doesn’t that sound relaxing?
If you will be on the water boating or kayaking, make sure to have your safety awareness class. Check your life vests to make sure they are up to code. Bring lots of water to keep yourself hydrated; and of course, make sure to leave with what you bring and recycle those bottles.
The worst thing to look at when you go to the park is someone else’s leftover trash. Our natural resources are our greatest gift. I don’t know about you, but when I think of the lake or park, I don’t picture smoking campfires, dirty campsites and trash in the water.
Most of the trash in the lake comes from land-based activities and most trash is not intentional. We forget to pick up the water bottle as we load our vehicle. A piece of paper from a wrapper blows in the breeze, and we remind ourselves to “get it later” which does not happen. Even those who smoke, cigarette butts can be recycled. So, please don’t toss them on the ground.
Last year in September, Keep Newberry County Beautiful partnered with Keep the Midlands Beautiful to do a cleanup of Lake Murray and its islands. We had 27 groups of participate at the Dreher Island site cleanup. We filled a huge dumpster, had a second brought in and filled the back of my truck bed with tires, scraps of old docks and metal parts from the lake. This was just at Dreher Island, so you can imagine how much trash was picked up around the entire lake. There were over 250 volunteers at this event alone.
If you are hosting a cookout on the lake (or camping) please do not cut down the area trees for your fire. Collecting the underbrush, broken dead limbs or sticks is fine. Please put out your fire completely when you’re finished. Don’t just assume it will go out on its own.
While you’re enjoying the outdoors, remember to look around. How many different species of birds can you count? Birds nest in the ground, trees and structures. Their habitat is our responsibility. They use the lakes and streams for drinking water. Let’s help them to survive for our next generation.
Enjoy your summer, fall will be here before you know it. If you would like to participate in the Lakeside Cleanup this year, please contact me for more information.
Crista Lukoski is the district coordinator for the Newberry Soil and Water Conservation District, she can be reached at 803-597-3160 or