NEWBERRY – The Newberry Police Department will soon see a new juvenile crime prevention sergeant in Khadijah Caldwell, as she’s recently been promoted from her former position of corporal.
Police Chief Kevin Goodman said he’s excited to see what personal touches Caldwell will put into that position. Caldwell will be the first African American female investigator for the police department.
Caldwell takes the place of former investigator Caitlin Branch. Goodman thanked Branch for her two years in the role as well as her six years total with the police department.
“She set the bar high in that position and with the work she’s accomplished within the community. She was very passionate about her work,” he said. “We wish her well, love and support her.”
Caldwell began her career with the police department on July 6, 2020 and Goodman said she has risen through the ranks from patrolman, to corporal and now into her current sergeant position. She recently became a certified field training officer, meaning she is responsible for training new officers during their 12-week program.
A goal of Goodman’s he said is as young officers are hired with the department, to begin training them from the beginning to move up into leadership roles within their career.
“We’re a young department, but packed full of talent,” he said. “We have intelligent, talented officers here.”