NEWBERRY — Filing for the open seat on Newberry County Council ended on Friday, July 14, with two candidates running to fill the now vacant District 2 seat.

Leon F. Fulmer Jr. and Beverly S. Martin filed to run, both running for the Republican Party and from Prosperity. The primary election will be held on Tuesday, September 5.

The following polling places will be open during any necessary primaries and runoffs:

• Fairview (Fairview Fire Station).

• Little Mountain (Derrick Community Center).

• O’Neal (O’Neal Fire Station).

• Stoney Hill (Stoney Hill Substation).

• Wheeland (Wheeland Community Center).

Councilperson Mary Arrowood submitted her resignation letter June 21, explaining that she is resigning and moving from the district in order to be closer with her daughter, who has faced health problems.

Her final day as a member of council was on Wednesday, July 19.

Reach Orion Griffin @ 803-768-3122 or on Twitter @TheNBOnews.