TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA — The tale of a rivalry between two college communities will soon be released in a new book, The Li’l Bronze Derby That Was!

Chip Porter, a 1981 alum of Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina vividly reveals the details of the most important rivalry of his college’s football history.

In January 1947, a group of Presbyterian College fraternity friends attended a basketball game at their local rival Newberry College. Their attendance ignited the greatest small college football rivalry, not only in South Carolina, but in the entire United States of America.

The Li’l Bronze Derby That Was! examines the origin and history of the Bronze Derby, a competitive athletic rivalry between the (then) Newbery College Indians (now Wolves) and the Presbyterian College Blue Hose.

Porter, author of The Southern Massacre, The Story of the 1979 Presbyterian College Blue Hose Football Team, documents the traditional Thanksgiving football rivalry which includes social, political and economic events of the era.

The Li’l Bronze Derby That Was! is the most complete and comprehensive book of the Bronze Derby.

“When your grandfather tells you at Thanksgiving dinner that he played in The Bronze Derby, rushed for 268 yards and scored 3 touchdowns, you can call his potential bluff!,” Porter said.

The book is available as a gift for the holiday season at www,maudlinpond.com/product/bronze-derby/.