Dear District 5 Residents,
Happy Spring everyone! I can’t believe that school is over, and summer is right around the corner. It seems as if we had just rung in the New Year, but June is already here. When you are having fun and doing those things that you enjoy, time flies. It is a blessing to witness another change of season, in spite of all our continued daily challenges, good or bad, we can continue and face a new day. It is still my pleasure as your Councilwoman, over the past 3 years and 9 months, to share with you the information, activities and events in District 5. We continue to have some celebrations and obligations met, promises filled, initiatives begun and always progress to chart.
A new season is among us. I encourage everyone to continue to be safe and aware of their surroundings. Each season brings changes, and we all have our favorite season. The City of Newberry is always planning and doing things that will be of interest to all of us. I encourage you to be aware of all the different events and activities that are going on in the City of Newberry, by going to
West End Home and Neighborhood Watch Committee sponsored their 4th Annual Willowbrook Park Event. This time it was geared more towards just good old family fun, food and laughter. On April 27 from 10-4 p.m., the neighborhood was in full bloom with Spring Fling 2024. The participation and neighborhood support were awesome. It’s always great to see people in the neighborhood come together for reasons and to just enjoy each other and to catch up on community happenings.
This event was a success, because community leaders, businesses and volunteers all bought into the idea of bringing the community together for a fun filled day, and that it was.
A huge thanks to the following: West End Home and Neighborhood Watch Committee, City of Newberry, Newberry City Police Department, Newberry Sheriff Department, Stokes Trainor, Cannon Auto Cars, Feed Thy Neighbors, 4 Real 2nd Chances, Genesis, Zesto, Legends Steak House, Sadies Hope, Country Cleaners, Many Moon, Pope, Parker and Jenkins, The Print Shop, NAC- Newberry Art Center, Pelican, Newberry Made Artist Group, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, First Steps, Ritz Fest, Five on Fire, and LaShonda Cummings Bouncy Houses. If anyone notices their name not mentioned, please charge it to the head and not the heart.
There was free food, an ice cream truck, snow cones, live music by Five on Fire, arts and crafts, rock painting, books given away, etc. The West End Home & Neighborhood Watch Group was instrumental in hosting this event for the fourth time. It was a great event in the past three years, that was enjoyed by all who came out. Each year the number of participants has doubled plus, and the crowd always leaves, wanting to know when we are going to do this again. A special thank you to the Newberry City Police Department, for always volunteering to cook the hot dogs and hamburgers. Officer Scottie P. was our awesome grill master for the event this year. Also, thanks to EVERYONE who came out to support our event, or volunteered to help where needed.
I am still attending meetings, ceremonial/city events, returning calls, answering emails/text messages, out in the neighborhood, helping those in need, and responding to your needs with immediacy. If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to contact me, and as always, my goal is to respond within 12-24 hours. I can be reached at 803-321-1000 or email me at
I have completed all the required classes that were offered through the Municipal Association. I am currently awaiting the next announcement, for the continuing education classes. I have already completed a continuing education class. The Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government. Created in 2014, the advanced institute provides elected officials with continuing education through classroom instruction and interaction with experienced peers.
This milestone will allow me to continue to learn and grow as your elected City Councilwoman. I am looking forward to attending the Continuing Education classes as well. I am taking care of potholes, litter, and those things that take away from the safety and aesthetic beauty of our neighborhood. You can help me out, if you see bad potholes etc., by reporting it as well. Please be mindful of litter. Litter is bad for everyone, as well as illegal.
During the months of January-April, I continued to deliver food to those in need. If you or someone you know needs food, please contact me, and I will do whatever I can to ensure those residents are taken care of promptly. The food boxes that I deliver in the community comes through the City of Newberry Police Department, under the guidance of Lt. Mike Hawkins, which is provided through Greg’s Groceries, packed by officers throughout the state, and brought to Newberry, by members of the Newberry Police Department. A special thanks to the City of Newberry Police Department, for seeing and understanding the need to be a part of this community project, as well as Lt. Mike Hawkins, he generously bought food boxes to the spring fling to give out to the community.
For those who need some food, there are several local food pantries that are willing to assist you. God Abundance for All People (GAAP), which is a ministry out of O’Neal Street United Methodist Church located at 501 O’Neal Street. Living Hope Food Pantry also helps those who need food. The pantry is located at 1830 Nance Street, Newberry. The pantry is open on Thursdays from 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Also Feed Thy Neighbor Kitchen, under the directions of Mary Beth Heath, and Tracey Wise with 4 Real 2nd Chances, who operates out of O’Neal United Methodist Church, who also delivers meals on wheels once a week every Thursday and hot lunches are served every Saturday from 11-2 p.m. at O’Neal United Methodist Church. You can also receive clothing items, as well as a bag of food, etc. Please contact them or stop by the church.
The Little Food Pantry Box has been restocked in Dr. Julian Grant Park, located at 1719 Vincent Street and is going well. This box is constantly being replenished, with nonperishable food items and personal hygiene items. Please come and get what you need from the box, and if you don’t need anything, you are welcome to place nonperishable food items in the box for those in need. A special thanks to those who donate items to the Food Pantry Box.
I am proud to announce that updates to the Scout Hut at Willowbrook Park, along with the replacement of the old playground equipment is scheduled to begin by the end of June, per Parks, Recreation and Tourism. There will be information posted in the park to give you a visual of what to expect from this renovation. New picnic tables have also been installed in Willowbrook Park for your convenience.
If you have recently moved to District 5, you will need to change your Voter’s Registration address, and if you are not registered, you will need to register. You can register in person at the Voter’s Registration Office, next to Piedmont Technical College on Wilson Road, or you can go online to
The West End Home and Neighborhood Watch continues to meet monthly at the Scout Hut located at 714 Crossom Street. If you have any interest in contributing in ways that we can continue to do things that will be in the best interest of all the community members, we would like you to join us every third Thursday of each month at 5 p.m. I invite you to make a difference in your community and be the change agent that is needed. It takes ALL of us to make this community and world a better place. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in complaining but get caught up in asking what I can do, and just do it! I leave you with this quote: Believe you can, and you’re halfway there – Theodore Roosevelt.
The following are still my concerns and are not being overlooked. There are ongoing talk/discussions about some of my on – going concerns listed below.
· Grocery Store
· Family Restaurant
· More Housing
· Movie Theater/Bowling Center
· Road Conditions
· Gun Violence
· Litter
· Skate Board Park
Upcoming events:
· City Council Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for June 11.
· Wine Walk- June 7 – Downtown Newberry
· Juneteenth – June 15 -Downtown Newberry from 10 a.m. -4 p.m.
· Applications for Vendors, Arts & Craft Vendors, Community Corner, Volunteers, Artifacts. Go to
· Grow Newberry- 9 a.m. – noon on Saturdays, in Memorial Park unless there is a major event in the park. Fresh locally grown vegetables, arts & craft etc.
· Newberry Museum Botanical Garden has open. A great place to have lunch or meet friends and enjoy the garden. Open daily.
· Newberry Art Center are offering a variety of summer art classes. Please call or stop by and see them.
· Park, Tourism and Recreation will have activities in various parks this summer. Check out the Rec Mobile!
· West End Home and Neighborhood Watch Group meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 5 p.m.
· Neighborhood Litter Pick up Day- TBD
· Ongoing events at the Newberry Opera House –
· June-July- Playground equipment to be installed, along with renovations to the Scout Cabin