City Council recognized Stephanie Amick, center, for her five years of service with the City of Newberry. Pictured at left, is Finance Director Shannon Smith and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.

City Council recognized Stephanie Amick, center, for her five years of service with the City of Newberry. Pictured at left, is Finance Director Shannon Smith and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.

<p>Josh Ammons was recognized for five years of service with the City of Newberry. Ammons is pictured with Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director Collin Shealy, left, and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.</p>

Josh Ammons was recognized for five years of service with the City of Newberry. Ammons is pictured with Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director Collin Shealy, left, and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.

<p>Craig Dominick was recognized for 10 years of service with the City of Newberry. Interim City Manager Ed Driggers presented Dominick with his certificate.</p>

Craig Dominick was recognized for 10 years of service with the City of Newberry. Interim City Manager Ed Driggers presented Dominick with his certificate.

<p>Sharon Graham was recognized for 10 years of service in the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department. Graham is pictured with PRT Director Collin Shealy and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.</p>

Sharon Graham was recognized for 10 years of service in the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department. Graham is pictured with PRT Director Collin Shealy and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.

<p>Taylor Jackson, center, was recognized by Finance Director Shannon Smith and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers for his five years of service with the City of Newberry.</p>

Taylor Jackson, center, was recognized by Finance Director Shannon Smith and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers for his five years of service with the City of Newberry.

<p>Lucille Kinard was recognized during the City Council meeting for her retirement from the City of Newberry Fire Department. Kinard’s career with the City of Newberry spans 24 years where she served the City of Newberry Fire Department in many capacities. Pictured, left to right: Mayor Foster Senn, Fire Chief Gene Shealy, Lucille Kinard and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.</p>

Lucille Kinard was recognized during the City Council meeting for her retirement from the City of Newberry Fire Department. Kinard’s career with the City of Newberry spans 24 years where she served the City of Newberry Fire Department in many capacities. Pictured, left to right: Mayor Foster Senn, Fire Chief Gene Shealy, Lucille Kinard and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers.

<p>Ellis Kemper, center, was recognized as a Newberry-PMPA scholarship recipient. After graduation, Kemper plans to attend the Citadel. Also pictured, Councilman Lemont Glasgow and Mayor Foster Senn.</p>

Ellis Kemper, center, was recognized as a Newberry-PMPA scholarship recipient. After graduation, Kemper plans to attend the Citadel. Also pictured, Councilman Lemont Glasgow and Mayor Foster Senn.

<p>Councilman Lemont Glasgow and Mayor Foster Senn recognized Josalyn Gallman as a Newberry-PMPA scholarship recipient. Gallman plans to attend Piedmont Technical College after graduation.</p>

Councilman Lemont Glasgow and Mayor Foster Senn recognized Josalyn Gallman as a Newberry-PMPA scholarship recipient. Gallman plans to attend Piedmont Technical College after graduation.

<p>Elizabeth Yi, center, was recognized as the third recipient of the Newberry-PMPA scholarship. Yi is pictured alongside Councilman Lemont Glasgow and Mayor Foster Senn.</p>

Elizabeth Yi, center, was recognized as the third recipient of the Newberry-PMPA scholarship. Yi is pictured alongside Councilman Lemont Glasgow and Mayor Foster Senn.

<p>Interim Public Works Director Joe Kitchen and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers recognized Mike Shealy, center, for his 25 years of service to the City of Newberry.</p>

Interim Public Works Director Joe Kitchen and Interim City Manager Ed Driggers recognized Mike Shealy, center, for his 25 years of service to the City of Newberry.

NEWBERRY — Newberry City Council recognized seven employees for various milestones during last week’s council meeting.

Stephanie Amick was recognized for five years of service with the City of Newberry. Amick started working with the City in May 2019 as a Customer Service Representative in the Finance Department. She was later promoted to Financial Services Specialist in August 2019. In July 2022, Amick was again promoted to Accounting Analyst. In her role, Amick handles licensing for the City as well as payroll. Amick also keeps track of the City’s hospitality payments and pays the City’s invoices.

Josh Ammons was recognized for five years of service in the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department as Program Coordinator. He began working with the City in Feb. 2019 and can be found many nights at a ball field or gym making sure things are running smoothly.

Taylor Jackson was recognized for his five years of service in the Finance Department. Jackson began working for the City as an intern at Newberry College in 2018. The following year, Jackson was hired as Assistant Finance Director. Jackson’s colleagues called him a team player, willing to do almost anything asked of him – even dressing up as traditional Germans and doing a dance during an Oktoberfest competition.

Craig Dominick received recognition for 10 years of service with the Utilities Department. Dominick works as a Plant Technician and began working with the City in 2014. Interim City Manager Ed Driggers said Dominick is a dedicated employee who always shows up to work on time and has responded after hours when needed.

“He is willing to tackle projects and help others. His willingness to thoughtfully learn new skills and apply them makes him a very valuable asset to the City of Newberry,” Driggers said.

Another recognition in the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department was Sharon Graham for her 10 years of service. Graham is the Program Coordinator with the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department’s Newberry Art Center. She began working with the City as an Administrative Assistant in 2014, was promoted to Program Coordinator and named to her current position in 2019. In her role, Graham maintains the website and social media and also seeks out teachers for classes and camps.

In the Public Works Department, Mike Shealy was recognized for 25 years of service. Shealy is a Heavy Equipment Operator III and was hired as a Water/Sewer Crew Member B in March 1999, promoted to Water/Sewer Operator D in 2000, Water/Sewer Operator C in 2001, Water/Sewer Operator B in 2002 and moved to Heavy Equipment Operator in 2017 before being named to his current position in 2018. Shealy is an avid deer and turkey hunter and was called a great asset to the Public Works Department and the City of Newberry.

During the meeting, Lucille Kinard was recognized for her retirement with the City of Newberry Fire Department. Kinard’s service with the City of Newberry spans 24 years, beginning in the Finance Department as a Customer Service Representative in 1997 and as an Administrative Assistant in the fire department in 2000. Kinard has served in many capacities over the years, handling phone calls, accounts payable, uniform orders, fire prevention preparations and event scheduling. Kinard has also worked alongside three fire years during her tenure with the City.

Other business:

  • Council unanimously voted to appoint Councilman Carlton Kinard to the Newberry Opera House Foundation Board.
  • Council passed a consideration of an outside water request for a parcel located at 210 Robin Road and 912 Carver Street.
  • Council unanimously voted to approve the consideration of Resolution 2024-1003 committing to a local match for a Community Development Block Grant for improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The estimated total is $5,482,000, the City is seeking $1.5 million.
  • Council unanimously voted to authorize Interim City Manager Ed Driggers to enter into a design-build agreement for the Newberry Recreation Complex Expansion.
  • Council approved a request to allow alcohol in designated events areas for the Juneteenth Celebration on June 15, 2024 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The request allows beer and wine, served and sold by approved vendors using plastic cups no larger than 10 ounces in the areas of Main Street from Nance Street to College Street; Boyce Street from Nance Street to College Street; McKibben Street from Harrington Street to Friend Street; Caldwell Street from Boyce Street to Friend Street; and Coke Mural Parking Lot from the corner of McKibben and Harrington Street.
  • Council approved a request to allow alcohol in a designated event area for a private event at the Newberry Opera House on May 25.
  • Council recognized Josalyn Gallman, Ellis Kemper and Elizabeth Yi as the recipients of the Newberry-PMPA (Piedmont Municipal Power Agency) scholarship recipients. Gallman plans to attend Piedmont Technical College, while Kemper plans to attend the Citadel and Yi plans to attend the University of South Carolina. The annual scholarship awards up to four qualifying high school seniors $500 towards their tuition to any South Carolina accredited university/college or technical college.
  • Randy Malloy, representing Interfaith Community Services, asked Council to consider supporting the organization, which helps those in need in Newberry County.
  • Layla Zarif addressed Council, asking them to consider the recent hire of new City Manager Jason Taylor, saying his hiring could bring negative changes to the City.
  • Giacomo Knox went before Council to ask if there were leash laws for dogs in the City of Newberry after an interaction with a dog owner who did not have their dog leashed.
  • Lorie Graham told Council she will be doing free training at the Chamber of Commerce in the fall and asked what kind of content does the community would like to see.

Reach Kelly Duncan at 803-276-3122 ext. 1867 or