NEWBERRY — The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Newberry recently honored two long-time employees on their retirement with an official board resolution.

Carrie J. Epting began employment with Newberry Housing Authority on February 19, 2001 and served as the Section 8 Coordinator; Laurie K. Meadow began employment with Newberry Housing Authority on May 22, 1995 and served as the Public Housing Manager.

The Authority recognized both for their significant contributions over the course of their distinguished careers.

“Both Carrie and Laurie were invaluable employees and assets to the NHA team. They left an imprint on our agency and also on the committees they served on within the Carolinas Council of Housing Redevelopment & Codes Officials.” stated Jessica Holcomb, Executive Director of Newberry Housing Authority.

Newberry Housing Authority, established in 1968, provides housing assistance for people with low and moderate incomes and the elderly through 315 Public Housing units and manages 278 Section 8 Vouchers for area landlords. Newberry Housing Authority participates in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Mainstream, Public Housing, and the SC Housing HOME Programs, and is governed by seven (7) Board of Commissioners.

NHA offices are open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

For more information on Newberry Housing please visit their website,