NEWBERRY COUNTY — Councilperson Mary Arrowood, District 2, announced her intention to resign from Newberry County Council during the June 7 meeting.
“This has been after a lot of prayer and soul searching and I’m going to be moving out of the district. The reason is I’ll be around my daughter; many of you know she has had two brain surgeries in the last 18 months and some other health problems too. I put God first, family second and my vocation third,” Arrowood said.
Arrowood plans on doing a formal resignation during the July 21 meeting and her resignation will be effective July 7.
“I want people to know there will be an election coming up for that,” she said.
Following her announcement at the end of the meeting, both Councilperson Les Hipp and Councilperson Todd Johnson thanked Arrowood for her service.
“Mary, thank you so much for the service you provided to the county, you have your priorities all in the right place,” Hipp said.
“We will have a time where we will celebrate you and your service to the county later, but needless to say, there have been tears cried, you’ve been a friend and a confidant and a blessing. You’ve served this county well both as an employee and county councilperson,” Johnson said.
At this time, an official announcement for a special election has not been made.
Reach Andrew Wigger @ 803-768-3122 or on Twitter @TheNBOnews.