NEWBERRY — Newberry College will celebrate the eleventh annual Dufford Diversity & Inclusion Week. The series of events, set for Oct. 16 through Oct. 20, is designed to inspire appreciation for the multiplicities of humanity and bring people together on common ground. This year’s theme is “Searching for Healing Truth.”

Dufford Diversity and Inclusion Week began in 2013 with the vision and generosity of Dr. William “Bill” Dufford, class of 1949, who continues to sponsor the program. Dufford made history in 1969 as the school administrator responsible for integrating the Sumter County school system. As an educator, he has been a lifelong advocate for civil rights and quality education for all.

This year’s program will include the following events, which are free and open to the public, unless otherwise noted.

Monday, Oct. 16

Searching For Healing Truth

7 p.m. | Center for Teacher Education, Gnann Conference Room

Herb Frazier, co-editor of “Ukweli: Searching for Healing Truth: South Carolina Writers and Poets Explore American Racism,” will deliver a keynote address on the theme of “Searching for Healing Truth.” A Q&A session will follow the address.

Wednesday, Oct. 18

Chapel Service

10 a.m. | Wiles Chapel

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan C. “Jay” Augustine, senior pastor at St. James A.M.E. Church and missional strategist from the Center for Reconciliation at Duke Divinity School, joins the College for Wednesday Chapel as its guest speaker.

Wednesday, Oct. 18

Hip-Hop Orchestra Experience

7:30 p.m. | Newberry Opera House

Led by composer and pianist JooWan Kim, the Hip-Hop Orchestra Experience, featuring Ensemble Mik Nowooj, creates Metamusic by sampling principles of Hip-Hop and Classical music. Executed with resident MCs, a lyric soprano, turf dancer, woodwinds, French horn, strings, piano and drums, the music is rigorous, nuanced and accessible. The performance is free for Newberry College students with ID and $10 for general admission.

Thursday, Oct. 19

Who Are My People?

All-Day Event | Center for Teacher Education

The Division of Teacher Education will display a gallery of photos depicting the diverse and connected people of the Newberry College family.