Brian Huggins, Chevrolet district manager, center, presents Joe Trainor and Stokes Trainor staff with the Mark of Excellence award last week. The award, not easily won, is awarded to a team who strives for excellence in customer service and loyalty.
                                 Kelly Duncan | The Newberry Observer

Brian Huggins, Chevrolet district manager, center, presents Joe Trainor and Stokes Trainor staff with the Mark of Excellence award last week. The award, not easily won, is awarded to a team who strives for excellence in customer service and loyalty.

Kelly Duncan | The Newberry Observer

Brian Huggins, Chevrolet district manager, center, presents Joe Trainor and Stokes Trainor staff with the Mark of Excellence award last week. The award, not easily won, is awarded to a team who strives for excellence in customer service and loyalty.