Prosperity Councilman Robert Martin takes a moment to recognize the scouts from Troop 316 during the time capsule burial ceremony and flag pole dedication.
                                 Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer

Prosperity Councilman Robert Martin takes a moment to recognize the scouts from Troop 316 during the time capsule burial ceremony and flag pole dedication.

Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer

<p>Councilman Allen Gallman takes a look at the time capsule after the ceremony.</p>
                                 <p>Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer</p>

Councilman Allen Gallman takes a look at the time capsule after the ceremony.

Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer

<p>Scouts from Troop 316 raise the flags on the newly dedicated flagpole located at Town Hall.</p>
                                 <p>Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer</p>

Scouts from Troop 316 raise the flags on the newly dedicated flagpole located at Town Hall.

Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer

<p>Troop 316 member Zachary Steen was recognized for completing his Eagle Scout project, a new flagpole at Prosperity Town Hall.</p>
                                 <p>Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer</p>

Troop 316 member Zachary Steen was recognized for completing his Eagle Scout project, a new flagpole at Prosperity Town Hall.

Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer

<p>Utilities Director Ed West and Police Chief Wesley Palmore lower the time capsule into the ground.</p>
                                 <p>Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer</p>

Utilities Director Ed West and Police Chief Wesley Palmore lower the time capsule into the ground.

Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer

<p>The time capsule is filled with a number of items including a cookbook, history of Prosperity, letters and other items collected in the last year.</p>
                                 <p>Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer</p>

The time capsule is filled with a number of items including a cookbook, history of Prosperity, letters and other items collected in the last year.

Kelly Duncan photos | The Newberry Observer

PROSPERITY — Three feet in the ground at Prosperity Town Hall, is a time capsule filled with Prosperity memorabilia that will be opened 50 years from now.

The time capsule was officially buried last week and is filled with books, history of Prosperity, the deed and purchase of the Town Hall building, a Sesquicentennial tie, letters, a Prosperity cookbook and numerous donations from people in the community.

Town Administrator Karen Livingston said the town has been collecting and cataloging items over the last year – even accepting donations from people who drop by Town Hall who wanted to add an item.

“We just have so much good stuff in here from the community. We didn’t read anything – that’s for the people who open it. I gave a shout-out to my grand-kids so I hope they remember grandma and what she did,” Livingston said.

“We don’t really think about this stuff until it happens, but this is a pretty big deal because 50 years from now our kids, grand-kids, whoever will be here to hopefully open it and see what it’s all about,” said Councilman Robert Martin.

During the ceremony, Prosperity Town Council also recognized Zachary Steen for completing his Eagle Scout project, a new flagpole at Prosperity Town Hall.

Councilman/Scoutmaster Chad Hawkins said after a few lost hairs he, along with other members of Troop 316 were able to help Steen complete his project. Under the mulch, Steen said there are about 70 bags of concrete. Hawkins noted that the Town Hall building will go before the flagpole does.

The flagpole was donated by Woodmen Life and the vault for the capsule was provided by McSwain Evans Funeral Home.

“It’s an honor to be here to dedicate this flagpole and flag. Since Sept. 11, 2001, Woodmen Life has gifted poles to churches, schools, municipalities and first responders facilities all over the United States,” said Libby Bedenbaugh, Woodmen Life jurisdictional president.

Bedenbaugh added that Woodmen Life has presented American flags to these organizations since the 1940s.

Reach Kelly Duncan at 803-276-3122 ext. 1867 or at