NEWBERRY — Newberry County Council held a work session on Monday, February 26, to discuss matters relating to Groggans Road and Fawn Court and the removal of the bridge on Rawls Road.

After much discussion, residents of Groggans Road and Fawn Court were recommended by Councilmember Leon Fulmer to take the matters to the County Transportation Commission. According to residents, the road was supposed to have been paved many years ago, but due to the road being private, the county was unable to pave it. Residents want it to be paved since, despite being private, the road is used publicly by residents. Fulmer told residents that if CTC is unable to do anything, council will take a look at what they can do going forward.

Russell Suber spoke to the council, asking for the removal of the bridge on Rawls Road and a turnaround to be built. They also asked if the section of Rawls Road to Suber Road could be closed as a county road, since the Suber’s own the land on both sides and they have had several problems.

“We want all the freedom we can get from what we’re going through, said Russell Suber, explaining that the road should be closed at the property line, where the bridge is. “Our road has become a hangout spot for kids.”

Suber detailed other problems such as trespassing hunters and people riding cars through his fields, expressing his worry for his livestock. Trespassers aren’t the only problem and reason Suber gave for the removal of the bridge, explaining that it was unsafe and a risk for divers on Rawls Road.

“The bridge is unsafe after heavy rains and goes out multiple times a year. Currently, the bridge has a huge hole in the road and some people ignore the sign that says ‘bridge out,’ driving over anyway and endangering themselves,” said Suber.

Other residents on Rawls Road, on the opposite side of the bridge from the Suber’s land, also signed a petition asking for the bridge to be removed and the road closed on the Suber side. According to other residents, they also experience high amounts of traffic and trespassers.

“Over the years, the ownership of the land has changed and the amount of traffic has increased. The increase has not only been due to ownership changes but due to more outside traffic using the road,” wrote Terry Rawls, who was unable to attend the meeting. “Over the years, I have had to deal with people driving in my fields, disposing of trash including tires, parts of appliances and deer carcasses in the creek…I think a lot of the disrespect of the properties comes from people traveling through the road, not the people on Rawls Road.”

Suber and residents who signed the petition also said that it would save the county money since they would no longer have to maintain the bridge and would reduce illegal activities and call to law enforcement. They also said that everyone who lives on the road would still be able to reach their property without disruption or taking a longer way.

County Council will discuss the bridge closing during their Wednesday, March 6 work session at 5 p.m. They will also discuss the county’s proposed nuisance ordinance.