Sheriff Lee Foster was recognized for his 35 years of service.
                                 Courtesy photo

Sheriff Lee Foster was recognized for his 35 years of service.

Courtesy photo

NEWBERRY — Sheriff Lee Foster was recognized for his 35 years of service as Newberry County’s Sheriff on Wednesday, January 17.

“This is a really special occasion,” said County Administrator Jeff Shacker. “We don’t often get to recognize a county official for 35 years of service.”

Shacker explained that Sheriff Foster’s career began while he was attending Mid-Carolina High School, where Foster was a junior police officer. From there, he majored in criminal justice at the University of South Carolina and served as Little Mountain’s Chief of Police. As of now, Foster is Newberry’s longest-serving sheriff since being elected in 1988.

“He’s always there when you need him,” said Councilman Travis Reeder.

“We’ve been in maternity wards and we’ve been in cemeteries, but we’ve loved each other,” added Chairman Todd Johnson. “Sheriff Foster, there is no finer man than you.”

Council approved the $300,000 purchase of new air packs for the Fire Department, as requested by Emergency Services Director Tommy Long. The council also asked if Long could create a rotating schedule to keep track of what needs replacing and when.

“We know these need to be replaced every so often. We need to spread out this in the budget years,” said Councilman Hipp. “We shouldn’t get a surprise request.”

The council also approved a request for around $35,000 in refunds for the Prosperity Fire Department after their emergency purchase of air packs.

“We shouldn’t expect them to buy it out of their own funding,” said Long.

The software purchase was tabled for a later meeting following debates on two of the systems proposed. The council chose to take more time and see firsthand what the programs have to offer to make a better decisions for all employees and ensure taxpayer money is well spent.