I would like to address the City Council, Mayor Senn and Al Harvey about our city Police Chief. I don’t see why they won’t give the job of Police Chief to Roy McClurkin.

I have known Roy for a long time and he is a very nice person. He would make a good Police Chief as people of Newberry know and respect him. I cannot see going out and hiring someone from outside our district when we have a very capable man already on the force who already knows the people and the area.

Roy has been on the force for well over 30 years and he has the experience.

When Colie Dowd retired as Police Chief they moved Andrew Shealy into the position. When he retired, Jackie Swindler was hired for the position. They all did excellent jobs.

So that is why I feel that Roy McClurkin should be our next Police Chief. He is a fine man and would also do an excellent job.

Sidney Metts
