NEWBERRY – City Council approved second and final reading Tuesday of an ordinance to authorize the sale of property located on both sides of Dixie Drive (TMS#401-64) for $665,000 and to authorize the city manager to execute a contract of purchase and sale.
Motion to approve second reading was made by Councilperson Carlton Kinard and seconded by Councilperson Jackie Holmes.
First reading of this ordinance was approved during council’s regular October council meeting. As stated at that meeting, this was previously voted on by council, however the initial contract had run out and this ordinance extends that contract so that the property can be closed on.
Under new business, council approved a consideration of authorization to allow alcohol in designated event areas for the Newberry Opera House Guild oyster roast on Sunday, November 5.
The Newberry Opera House Guild requested permission to allow beer and wine, served by designated event venue staff, using plastic cups as part of their annual oyster roast on November 5 from 4-7 p.m.
The event will be held on McKibben Street between Harrington and Boyce Streets. All guests will have a wrist band to identify themselves as ticket holders and over the age of 21. No beverages will be allowed outside of the set perimeter of the function.
Motion to approve the request was made by Councilperson David Force and seconded by Councilperson Lemont Glasgow.
City Council will hold their next regular meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 7 p.m.