Patsy Lambert
We have a choice of which road we will take. The right road is the narrow road that leads to everlasting life. This road leads to peace, joy and happiness. Even though we face trials on this road, we will know that God is always with us.
The wrong road is broad that leads to destruction and many people choose this road. God’s desire is for everyone to take the right road. He gave His only Begotten Son so that we could be with Him in Heaven! But it is our choice if we accept it or not.
If we submit to the road that God wants us to take, we will never be sorry.
His Spirit will guide us through the rough places on the narrow road.
“Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7: 14.
It makes a difference when the Spirit is drawing you. If we put our faith and trust in the Lord, we can walk the right road. There is no way we can walk this road by ourselves.
I can only speak for myself and I know that Jesus is my savior and He lives within my heart. Does that mean everything I do is right? Not at all. I ask God to forgive me each day because He tells us we all sin and come short of the Glory of God.
Each person has a choice.
My Prayer is that each person will choose to follow Jesus on the narrow road.