When we tell someone that we are going to do something or be somewhere at a certain time, can they put enough confidence in us to know that we will do what we say?

So often we get so involved in trying to do so many things we will let the things go that we need to do the most. We should strive to keep our word. It’s so important to do what we say, so people can depend on us and what we say.

It is better to do a few things, and do them right, than to half way do a lot of things. Sometimes we depend on each other. More importantly, can God depend on us? Do we truly do what God tells us in His Word? Do we love each other as He tells us?

Do we go to church and worship Him in Spirit and Truth? Do we give Him ten percent of what He has blessed us with? Do we treat others as we would have them treat us?

I realize things come our way to hinder us. But if we can’t do what we are supposed to do, we should put forth effort to let someone know.

Even though sometimes we are not dependable and we might let each other down from time to time, it’s good to know that we can depend on God and He will never let us down.

“Let your conversation be without covetousness: and be content with such things as we have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 12:5.

We can have confidence in knowing that God keeps His promises and we can depend on Him.

Patsy Lambert is from Whitmire. Her columns appear weekly in The Newberry Observer.