We are to be a witness for Christ. Many times we put off things that we should do today and we never get those things done. We are not promised tomorrow, so let’s witness for Christ today.

“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the tomorrow. For what is your life? It is a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.” James 4:14-15.

We are not promised tomorrow, so we need to remember Christ tells us to work today.

“I must work the words of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4.

We had better be sharing our testimony while we can. If we are ever going to read our Bible, spend time in prayer, and tell others about God and His love, the time is now. Whatever we are going to do for Christ we had better do it now. It is an honor to tell others what God has done in our life, and to be a witness for Him.

By Patsy Lambert

Contributing Columnist

Patsy Lambert is from Whitmire. Her columns appear weekly in The Newberry Observer.