NEWBERRY — Lynch’s Woods is receiving a grant of $44,398 from South Carolina Parks, Recreation and Tourism (SCPRT) to help fund improvements and additions to the park. Lynch’s Woods was one of eight parks chosen to receive the grant through the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), a federal program that helps maintain recreational parks for motorized and non-motorized uses.

“Outdoor recreation is booming as communities around the state are putting a higher priority on preserving our natural treasures and enhancing public access to these places. The Recreational Trails Program is helping projects come to fruition from the mountains of Greenville to the beaches of Sullivan’s Island, and that’s good news for our citizens and for our visitors,” said SCPRT Director Duane Parrish.

Lynch’s Woods, established in 1943 by the Civilian Conservation Corps, is a 276 acre park full of South Carolina wildlife and over 10 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian trails through old-growth hardwoods and pines. The grant is to help fund a $55,000 project that will bring a number of improvements and additions to the park.

“The improvements will be some bridge repairs,” Director of Parks and Recreation Jessie Long said. “There will be a half-mile ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant trail… and new ADA compliant parking spaces, with some upgrades to the existing parking area.”

Other upgrades include a bicycle hub next to the existing bike wash station, provided by Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association (SORBA), completed with a repair and changing station.

“And then there will also be new benches, picnic tables and swings throughout the park that will be added,” Long included.

Long thanked SCPRT and RTP for the opportunity to improve the park, which has not seen improvements or addition for many years. RTP seeks to help maintain parks for both motorized and non-motorized uses, including upgrading old trails or making news ones to help bring more people outdoors.

“Lynch’s Woods is a hidden gem and a lot of our residents don’t really know about it,” Long said. “And it is absolutely gorgeous, especially in the fall when the leaves are changing. So we invite people to come out and take in the nature.”

Lynch’s Woods is open year round from dawn until dusk and improvements will not hinder hours.

Reach Orion Griffin @ 803-768-3122 or on Twitter @TheNBOnews.