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NEWBERRY COUNTY — The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 24 has announced the delegates from three local high schools to the 76th Palmetto Girls State program, held from June 11-17, 2023. Girl State will be held at Presbyterian College, located in Clinton. ALA PGS is held to provide a unique forum for the state’s rising high school senior girls to learn about government and the political process.

The delegates are as follows: Brennen R. Banks (Mid-Carolina High School), Isabella K. Ferreira (Mid-Carolina High School), Josie Shepherd (Mid-Carolina High School), Micah Dickerson (Whitmire Community School), Bonnie Evans (Whitmire Community School), Anna Maria DeHart (Newberry Academy).

The purpose of Palmetto Girls State is to, “educate our youth in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship.” In the mythical state of “Palmetto,” the delegates organize the cities, counties and the state of “Palmetto” and choose the forms of government and officials for the cities, counties, and state.

“This year ALA Unit 24 of Newberry is proud to sponsor the following girls,” said Donna Lominack, president of ALA Unit 24.