NEWBERRY — Newberry Adult Education and Newberry Family Literacy are celebrating the annual Adult Education and Family Literacy Week – September 19-25, 2021.

This week serves as a reminder that reading, writing and basic math remain an elusive target for adults nationwide, including those in Newberry County.

The Newberry Adult Education and Family Literacy programs, located at 709 Kendall Road, Newberry, are a part of the School District of Newberry County and a national network of organizations that work to change the lives of those in Newberry County through the power of adult literacy. According to ProLiteracy, the leading membership organization advancing the cause of adult literacy and basic education in the nation, more than 43 million adults in the U.S. cannot read, write or do basic math above a third-grade level. ProLiteracy provides more than 1,000 adult education and literacy programs, including Newberry Adult Education and Newberry Family Literacy, with tools to educate adult learners and help them meet the demands of today’s workforce.

“Here at home, in our own community, we know that individuals without a high school credential have a greater risk of unemployment and lower salaries,” said Roberta Hall-Kinard, director of Newberry Adult Education. “Literacy helps families to be healthier and safer and provides opportunities for adults to support themselves through work, contributing ultimately to the economic growth of our county and our region.”

Emily Crump Saddler serves as the coordinator for the Newberry Family Literacy program which provides early childhood education and parenting services for families in Newberry County.

In recognition of Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, Newberry Adult Education and Newberry Family Literacy have planned activities throughout the week to raise public awareness about the need for and value of adult education and family literacy. For more information on Newberry Adult Education or Newberry Family Literacy, visit the School District of Newberry County’s website.