We are not here by accident. We are here because God put us here. And we are here for a reason.

God wants us to come to know Him in a personal way and live in a way that will bring glory to His name. God does not only have a purpose for each of us, He has a plan for our lives.

We may go through life without thinking about what God’s plan is for us. But we don’t have to go through life without any direction, we pray and seek God’s will, and then follow Him. We read God’s Word, and maybe we don’t understand it all, But God brings His Word back to us right when we need it.

We can understand what God has done for us. He has provided salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. It is left up to us to accept the gift from God. Our life does have a purpose, it is to bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

By Patsy Lambert

Contributing Columnist

Patsy Lambert is from Whitmire. Her columns appear weekly in The Newberry Observer.